
human study conclusions

LeptAid™ significantly reduces the levels of leptin present in serum and in synovial fluid, measured by immunoassays after 3 months of treatment.

Without diet/exercise, there was moderate weight loss in the LeptAid group (0.5kg), and a weight gain in the control group (0.7kg). Study patients had an average BMI of 34 at start.

The LeptAid group showed a significant decrease in serum levels of colesterol (P=0.0056) and triacilglicerids (P=0.0175). No changes were detected in control group.

At the end of the 3 month study, it was found that LeptAid:

  • Countered the formation of fatty tissue
  • Contributes to weight loss
  • Maintians healthy blood sugar levels
  • Reduces serum cholesterol & triglicerides
  • Reduces Leptin release by fatty tissue
  • May help to reduce fat depots & adiposity
  • Helps to restore the imbalance of obesity (doesn’t just treat the symptoms)
  • Sustained BCAA catabolism and fatty acid oxidation