Thank you for shopping at We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.
You may return the item within 30 days from the order date for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping, handling, or other charges.
Please send an email with a description of your issue to so that we may issue a return authorization (RA). Returns cannot be accepted without an RA.
The item must be returned, unused or used, in good condition, in original boxes (whenever possible), and with all paperwork and accessories to ensure full credit. All return shipping charges must be prepaid. We cannot accept C.O.D. deliveries.
For your protection, we recommend that you use UPS or Insured Parcel Post for your return.
Unless your packing slip directs you to ship an item to a different address (and if so, follow such directions), ship the return package to:
12 Talisman Drive
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Keep the Return Tracking Number from the package you are returning to ensure that the package is returned to the warehouse.
You can expect a refund in the same form of payment originally used for purchase within 30 days of our receiving your returned product. You will be refunded the shipping cost if the return is a result of a manufacturer error or a shipping error on our part.